
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

[28 Oct 2009 6:14:26 AM] ! UBIEE Corporation S.L. -

RE: I look for Leader's for World Peace!!!

Congratulations, I believe I should share this with you.

You and your vision for World Peace has been chosen and you are being invited to participate on a global level with UBIEE's FUTURO-Plan.

Now for the first time ever you can co-write History with us........

People of UBIEE are being afforded the opportunity to join the Dalai Lama and other leaders of all the world's major religions at the Parliament of World Religions in Melbourne, Australia. Dec 3 – 9, 2009.

This is an inter-religious movement being felt around the world. This is a world-wide peace initiative and an opportunity to be acknowledged for your visions to support for world peace on a global level by working with us in the UBIEE's FUTURO-Plan: A SIMPLE MONETARY SOLUTION for WORLD PEACE with UBIEE at booth 55 in the convention center.

Deborah Barton-Birden our Marketing Director for the UBIEE CORPORATION will personally be in attendance at Melbourne this year and will be making sure that you and the hundreds and thousands of other People who also support the UBIEE FUTURO-Plan; are represented and visible on the world stage of events there.

We offer you and your organization the following benefits from your participation with the UBIEE FUTURO-Plan and the Parliament of World Religions:
** 5-year exposure on 820+ top level domains on the World Wide Web.
** Your Website address available on the website and in the Parliament of Religions Publication.
** Visibility at our booth and the main floor via banner display.
** Full-page, half-page, quarter-page, eighth-page advertisement in our PoWR publication.
** Video window of your organization produced and included on our website
** You and/or your organization will be seen easier on-line with 5-year exposure on 820+ top level domains on the World Wide Web Develop name recognition as a major player in this world-wide peace initiative.
** Your organization's and video clip's will become a permanent fixture on our website for the next 5 years thus giving you world-wide visibility not only at the parliament but on into the future as the peace initiative grows you grow with us.
** You receive a position on our banners which will be prominently displayed through-out the Melbourne event.
** You and/or your organization's video window can be viewed by everyone who visits our website and who has stopped by on our booth 55 at the Parliament Of World Religions.

On the following page, please find a detailed price list of all the services and benefits we are making available to you via this offer, or please visit the website

[27 Oct 200912:08:58 PM] ! UBIEE Corporation S.L. -

I would like to invite you all to check our Website that we have set up to find contributors for the Global Peace Event in Melbourne.

Bear in mind that this offer to participate for you, will also allow you, once we have raised 15000 EUR, a participation as recognized Contributor for UBIEE's FUTURO-Plan to present a WORLD PEACE Solution with a 20% Promotional Revenue Sharing Program that we have made available for sharing the estipulated revenues from Marketing and Promotions.
Profit - Loss Summary UBIEE CORPORATION S.L. = UBIEE's FUTURO-Plan

EURO Estimated Actual
Total income € 163,353.99 € 3,807.07
Total expenses € 21,775.00 € 1,900.00
Total profit (or loss) € 141,578.99 € 1,907.07

in USD $
US Dollar Estimated Actual
Total income $ 244,377.58 $ 5,695.37
Total expenses $ 32,575.40 $ 2,842.40
Total profit (or loss) $ 195,644.78 $ 1,443.14

20.00% Revenue Sharing $ 39,128.96
Money to distribute € 26,155.72

If you help us reach quickly the Target of Raising funds of 15000 EUR, we will share on all the promotional income that UBIEE will be doing for the next 5 Years with you.
Your Minimum participation is 30 US$ for a Web Promo Banner. Max is 1 Full Colored Page for 2500 US$.

Check it out. Participate if you want to have a 5 years advertising and promotional deal, but most important you will be globally recognized to have contributed towards the implementation for World Peace.

Important URLs to look at in case you are interested:
First Site Entry:
Home Main Information:
Event Schedule -
Our Sponsors:

Promotional Examples
Catalog/Web promotions:

To send to your friends, business associates etc.:

Thank You for Your Time,

Best regards

Dr. Michael U Dolgoruky
UBIEE Corporation S.L.
Founder & Chairman
JOIN The World's First AutoSurf - and still #1!!
Phone Spain: +34-976-306200
Phone USA: +1-850-417-7196
Phone New Zealand: +64-9-889-2214
Phone Australia: +61-2-8006-4322
Corporate Websites:,,
Skype: ubiee.corporation -

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