
Wednesday, June 29, 2005

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Birth of the Perfect E-Business

Birth of the Perfect E-Business

The convergence of the Ubiee Team (professional visionary marketers) with SKYPE Superior VoIP (communication gurus) has created a network marketing industry explosion on the Internet, of Biblical proportion, that is single handedly producing warp speed wealth for even the “average Joe”.

7 Rational Reasons Why This Union is Blazing a Trail on the Internet:

Economic. The economy of the first decade in the 21st century has produced scores of lost jobs and multitudes of individuals and companies scrambling to achieve budgetary prudence and efficiency. According to Leonard Clements, acclaimed author and industry analyst,

“What’s bad economic news to most people is good news to network marketers. And there is a lot of ‘good news’ today.”

The most significant paradigm shift in the new era of communication known as VoIP adeptly addresses budgetary constraints on a magnitude of cutting costs by up to 80%.

Demographic. The global aspect of communication transcends demographic constraints. SKYPE Superior VoIP enables international communication freely with no boundaries. The Ubiee Team offers an international marketing plan freely with no boundaries.

Investment. The synergy between Ubiee Team and SKYPE Superior VoIP creates the perfect leveraged business. Minimal investment, resulting from SKYPE Superior VoIP’s intention to provide a business opportunity and service that is financially viable for everyone, with minimal effort, resulting from Ubiee Team’s outstanding marketing plan, produces maximum financial revenue.

Supply and Demand. The demand for accelerated communication has resulted in unprecedented savings as the growing masses are harnessing the power of the Internet with their computers to meet their needs. VoIP typically requires no additional equipment for communication other than a computer. SKYPE Superior VoIP’s capability incorporates over 65% of Internet users. SKYPE Superior VoIP operates on optimally secure lines, a feature unattainable by over 90% of VoIP service providers.

Current Growth Trends. Leading industry experts such as AT&T have stated that,

“VoIP traffic as projected to account for approximately 75% of the world’s voice traffic in 2007”.

Light-years ahead of other VoIP service providers, SKYPE Superior VoIP offers optimal VoIP security and service that incorporates dial up connection capability.

Media and Marketing Exposure. The Ubiee Team incorporates marketing courses, mentor seminars, global online seminars, and international trainers courses. The perfect business plan and opportunity is mathematically demonstrable. One extraordinary tool the Ubiee Team utilizes is RADIOUBIEE for optimal offline marketing exposure.

Integrity and Responsibility. Both SKYPE Superior VoIP and the Ubiee Team have achieved a solid friendship foundation and together are making this planet a better world for us all to live in -- easily achieved by working honestly, responsibly, and with integrity and mutual respect.

Both the Ubiee Team and SKYPE Superior VoIP have opened their doors and invite all who want to change their financial destiny by joining the revolutionary universal circle of friendship. The primary mission is to relieve poverty in the world and create a wealthy welfare for everyone. For more information, visit are making this planet a better world for us all to live in.

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