In the late seventies we had a saying! What would happen if our politicians declare war, and nobody goes to serve it? This is what we have to achieve, and the FUTURO-Plan is a solution that will prevent that a future world war three could even start.
It is a tough to token for people to accept that the solution against it is so simple. The reject at the current stage the Solution of simplicity and in most of the occasion.
Do you realize that we have never been as close to shoot all against each other for reasons that we do not share? NATO is the key problem for you and me for our children friends and relatives. Each member of this alliance have the obligation to step forward to help the other. And there is no exception. Russia and Georgia are fighting their War! And why do they do it. Problems that are in its region of the cause for generation.
The current president of Georgia a well educated businessman that speaks perfectly English is most likely the course for WWIII. That's at its.
You are in NATO, the United States of America all the other Nations, the Allies we will have to step in to stop Russia.
And that if the end of the story, bottom line is a few 1,000,000,000 people that are soon to be dying. Yes I am not talking about millions. Do you think that this is worse than WWII?
By the time this is over last WWII would be looked at, like Christmas, Halloween and Eastern together.
STOP THEM! Do not follow the leaders.
We have a solution, the FUTURO-Plan. This plan will make all the difference because it is based upon your children. Those that they would normally us and send out to fight and die for their Ideas or traditions.
We will be solid and save by using and introducing a new modern lifestyle solution that the world needs.
And it is as simple as 1 x 14 x 30. You do not believe it, well at least I've told you. I can not make that decision for you, but you can certainly do not expect me to tolerate what is happening at the moment.
Therefore I am taking a stand against all this silliness that is governing 2008.
Get in touch with me if you like what I expose and become UBIEE with me. I teach you how quickly we can stop this Nonsense of Wars World Wide.
With best regards
Dr. Michael
What is the UBIEE Greener NATION all about? Certainly it is run by the same people that have created the UBIEE Organisation. In a critical moment of time with facing WORLD WAR III closer than ever, we as HUMAN RACE, have the ability and the obligation to stop the nonsense, and make it right for ever. Check out the links on this blog, and be ready for the right
Thursday, August 14, 2008
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Dear Dr Michael,
ReplyDeleteSarah Pritchard here. You know that one of my missions is to share Angel Cuddles and to encourage people to take care of Mother Earth and all who live on her.
I say "Good for you" in making this stand.
I believe that God put us on this Earth to take care of her. Each of us can make an effort, even very small. Lots of very smalls become BIG. That is why I joined Ubiee, as part of my efforts to take care of the environment and encourage others to do likewise.
The solution is very simple. Love is the answer. Love of Mother Earth and love of our fellow man. The angels are there to help too. That's why I share angel cuddles, to encourage people to take care of Mother Earth and to share love with one another and not war.
I join you in "taking a stand against all this silliness that is governing 2008."
It is not just silliness; it is criminal. We don't need to follow these leaders, we don't need to fight for them to make lots of money at our live's expense or at Mother Earth's expense.
Mother Earth is crying out for help. We can all do our bit in making a stand and in taking care of Mother Earth.
I feel strongly about this and I am making a stand too.
I have a forum on the subject of taking care of Mother Earth and the environment if you or anyone else care to take a look and share.
Mother Earth's Garden
Well done Dr M, for making the stand. Together we can make a difference. Sorry, I've just realised that I've written an essay here! Feel strongly about it you see.
Angel cuddles,
Thank you Dr Michael for your insights and sharing.
ReplyDeleteThe prospect of a WW111 is frightening to say the least, but unfortunately the reality hits home.
I heard a Book Reading on the Radio while I was driving yesterday and it was about the Diggers in WW11 standing in trenches of mud up to their knees for days, eating, sleeping in conditions no human being should have to endure.
Why is it that fighting, shooting and killing are seen every day on TV, Many Computer Games for Children are about violence and killings - Why?
Congratulations to UBIEE for their Vision and Solutions for the Environment and for the Futuro Plan for World Peace.
May we all unite, stand together and spread the word around the World so that there will be Peace on Earth and Goodwill towards ALL Peoples
UBIEE is taking the proper attitude,and a pro active solutions, to our Global environmental awareness.
ReplyDeleteDr. Michael,and the UBIEE Green Nation are doing a fantastic job on spreading awareness, as to world peace and our environmental solutions.
Tim Henderson
Dear Michael and the world.
ReplyDeleteWe as human beings should be more responsible in making our Earth free from all sorts of factors that are affecting its flora and fauna.
Humans have been bestowed with a superior mind then all the other creatures on this planet and it is our moral responsibility to keep our mother Earth a better place for generations to come.
Michael we support your effort in this fight for justice for our mother Earth.
Ubiee is doing a great job in conserving the enviornment with its various offerings and also at the same time providing an online income source of income for millions of Internet Users.
We greatly appreciate your endouver
and raise our support for a bright future for humanity on this Earth planet,which is the only known planet known for sustaining life at present amongst the millions and billions of planets and galaxies in this gigantic universe.
Sunil Lakhani
Hi Dr. Michael
ReplyDeleteYes, I join you in "taking a stand against all this silliness that is governing 2008."
Everyone of us need to stand up and be counted here and become Environmentally aware and also aware of what our Leaders are encouraging, which will undoubtedly destroy our Wonderful Mother Earth.
If Each of us do not do our part to stop all this Silliness, who else will?
Wouldn't you like your Children and Grandchildren to be able to Say- Yes, My Mother or Father, or Grandmother or Grandfather stood up and made a difference! They Helped create Peace and they Helped our Mother Earth.
I know that I want my Children and Grandchildren to be able to say these things and be safe from harms way and live and a wonderful World that hasn't been destroyed by War and Global Warming.
Keep up the GOOD WORK Dr. Michael, We are with you 100%!
Gary Wells
From Germans View! 21st of August 2008
A New Arms Race with Russia?
Moscow isn't really afraid of the US missile defense shield. A day after the US signed an important deal with Poland, German commentators say that Russia is merely pining for the good old days of the Soviet Union.
Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk and President Lech Kaczynski met with US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on Wednesday.
For months, Poland had been playing coy with the United States when it came to the components for the missile defense shield Washington wanted to base there.
Warsaw had consistently insisted on massive military assistance in return -- and even then the Polish government was wary. After all, public opinion polls had shown that up to 80 percent of Poles were against their country's involvement in the shield.
The events in Georgia this month, though, quickly changed that.
Wednesday's agreement between the US and Poland, enabling the Americans to base interceptor rockets on Polish soil is Warsaw's answer to what they see as Russian aggression in the Caucasus.
Indeed, part of the deal signed on Wednesday by US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski was the basing of a battery of Patriot anti-aircraft missiles in Poland.
Russia was quick to respond. Moscow warned that the missile defense site in Poland could be targeted in the future and the Foreign Ministry said darkly that "Russia in this case will have to react and not only through diplomatic protests." Furthermore, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev announced on Tuesday that he and his Belarussian counterpart Alexander Lukashenko planned to sign a deal on common air defense this autumn.
The US, for its part, insisted once again on Wednesday that the missile defense shield was in no way intended as a threat to Russia. Rice repeated that it was to protect the US and its Western allies from potential missile attacks from "rogue states" such as Iran. Russia, however, continues to see the shield as a threat, particularly with the signing coming so soon on the heels of the war in Georgia.
The US Missile Defense System in Eastern Europe The violence in the Caucasus began with Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili ordering his troops into the breakaway Georgian province of South Ossetia. Russia, which sees itself as a protector of the province, responded by invading Georgia, a move which many in the West saw as an overreaction and a provocation. German commentators on Thursday take a closer look at the missile defense deal signed by the US and Poland.
The left-leaning Die Tageszeitung writes:
"Moscow's military leaders aren't really afraid of the US missile defense system. Ten US interceptor missiles stand against thousands of Russian warheads, should it come to that. Fears of spying, which the Kremlin has always mentioned in connection with the project, are not decisive. Russian military experts concede that already-existing US listening posts are enough. As usual, the main point is the respect and recognition of a Russia which still has not come to terms with its loss of superpower status. America's inclusion of Moscow's former satellites of Poland and Czech Republic into its sphere of influence is especially painful for Russia's political leadership.
They are coming to realize that political power doesn't necessarily grow along with petro-dollars -- which makes nostalgia for the Soviet Union even more powerful. One can only hope that, in Russia's own interest, the Kremlin doesn't go too far and begin a new arms race."
The center-left daily Süddeutsche Zeitung writes:
"Russia is increasingly encircled by the US and its allies -- that, at least, is how the Kremlin sees the threat. Moscow insists that it needs to arm itself in order to confront a possible military invasion from the West.... It is a situation that reminds one of the Cold War, only that, to Moscow's great annoyance, the front has moved much further east."
"These days, there isn't a single serious political party or group in any Western country -- not even American neo-conservatives -- who want to go up against Moscow in an arms race or which is planning an offensive against the country.
Those former Soviet bloc countries which have now become members of NATO thus see Moscow's tripling of its military budget under Vladimir Putin as a direct threat.
Particularly Poland and the Czech Republic point to their experience under Soviet occupation. They like to point out that the Russian resurrection began long before the US began providing Georgia with military aid and performing joint military operations with Ukraine in the Black Sea."
The financial daily Handelsblatt writes:
"In Eastern Europe, a new discussion about Russia is developing that considers both the domestic and foreign policies being followed in the Kremlin.
Particularly nationalist politicians from these countries, like Polish President Lech Kaczynski, are apt to compare Putin with the former Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev, see the new Russian President Dmitry Medvedev as Putin's puppet and expect little in the way of domestic reform or foreign concession from the Russian leadership."
"This mindset does not necessarily mean a new split of the NATO alliance into the 'old' US-critical Europeans and the 'new' pro-American Europeans. But it does show that the large European countries like Germany and France must show more deference to the Eastern European worldview."
-- Charles Hawley; 3:00 p.m. CET
21st of August 2008